It's Official...The Multiple Shooter Theory is REAL... JFK Was Hit in the Front and Back of the Head, in a Crossfire!
A new book that uncovers forensic evidence, compiled by the research of Dr. David Manik confirms our worst fears. There were multiple shooters.
“The grassy knoll,” is a term that has been repeated over and over, throughout the 6 decades since JFK’s assassination. This term was based on the conspiracy theory that additional shooters were present that day and were hidden on a grassy knoll that was to the front and right of JFK's position in the motorcade. Based on new research of forensic evidence that was compiled by Dr. Jerome Corsi and Dr. David Manik, it appears that there was at least one shooter on the grassy knoll. When you take this evidence and add it to the fact that eyewitnesses actually heard shots fired from the front that day, it becomes clear that multiple shooters were present.
In his latest book, The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Dr. Jerome Corsi and Dr. David Mantik dig deep into forensic evidence that not only shows there were multiple shooters that day, but that evidence was tampered with to make it look as if Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone shooter. The introduction to the book is riveting and can be read at The Gateway Pundit by clicking here.
It has become apparent that the operation to kill JFK took planning between multiple agencies and involved many people. According to this new evidence, Kennedy was hit by 3 bullets. 1 from behind and 2 from the front, all of them hitting their target at almost exactly the same time. Secret Service agents wiped blood and brain matter from the car seats when Kennedy arrived at Parkland Hospital and evidence was also planted on JFK that would implicate Oswald as the only shooter.
Here is the real piece of evidence that is pretty hard to swallow. Lee Harvey Oswald may not have fired a shot at all. According to the new evidence, the trajectory of the bullet that struck Kennedy from behind was not fired from the window of the book depository where Oswald was allegedly positioned. The evidence shows that the bullet was fired from a higher elevation, like a rooftop.
Now let’s go back to when President Nixon had his meeting with CIA Director, Richard Helms, telling him “I know who shot John.” This conversation was being recorded at the time and the response by Richard Helms is really telling in that he had no response…he was silent because he knew he was being recorded. Let’s add another layer to this whole thing. The modern-day CIA is still withholding nearly 4000 documents that they are required to hand over, all in an effort to keep from exposing the deep state and what really happened that day.
I realize that JFK’s murder happened 60 years ago, and most people were not even here when it happened which would make it of little consequence to them…or so it would seem. This is precisely the indifferent attitude that the deep state wants us to have regarding all the horrible things that are being done to this country, or that have been done in the past. This story is one that should be on every damn news reel in the country, because if they were willing to kill a sitting president 60 year ago, imagine what these animals would be willing to do today to maintain power and control over the masses. We are not being governed; we are being ruled!