Joe Biden Declares WAR on Over 75 Million of His Own Countrymen. All for Supporting Trump.
Flanked by US Marines and clearly protected by a corrupt, federal law enforcement apparatus, Joe Biden goes after Trump supporters en masse!
Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.
Joseph Robinette Biden
I'll start out by saying that this is the first time in many many years, I have heard a democrat refer to the USA as a Republic. I'm not sure if Biden's speech writer had a moment of clarity when he wrote the word “Republic" or if Joe Biden had a moment of clarity from his dementia. I can’t even count how many times in a day I hear leftist elites in office, the media and other famous personalities refer to our Republic as a democracy.
Regardless of whether you call our nation by its proper pronoun, or improperly refer to it as a democracy, on September 1st 2022, a date which will live in infamy, Joseph R Biden referred to at least 75 million US, taxpaying citizens as enemies of the state.
MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of the law. They do not recognize the will of the people. They refuse to accept the results of a free election.
Joseph Robinette Biden
The Constitution and the Republic for which it was written are the 2 things we are trying to save. Keep in mind, it is democrats who are demanding that social media corporations like Google, Twitter and Facebook silence dissent of any democrat policy. God forbid if anyone spoke out against the democrats’ COVID 19 talking points, they would be banned or suspended from those platforms. And if your local leftist caught anyone speaking out against school indoctrination, masks, vaccines, CDC guidelines, or Dr. Fauci and his murderous policies, their jobs were lost, and lives were destroyed. This is a direct attack on the 1st Amendment, sanctioned by our own, leftist government!
Trump supporters absolutely believe in the rule of law…we just don’t believe in the bastardization of the rule of law coming from the left. Simply put, we don’t believe in their corrupt rule of law. And if Joe Biden, Barak Obama and others running the country into the ground believed in the true rule of law this country was founded on, Hillary Clinton and many others on the left would be in prison…including the current occupant of the White House and his family. Unfortunately, our DOJ and FBI are politically corrupted and have been since Obama came to power in 2009. This is clearly the work of communism, and it needs to be stopped.
It’s funny, when a Republican wins an election, it’s Russian collusion that helped get him over the finish line. Then the democrats attempt to manufacture evidence for 5 years in an effort to destroy him. But when democrats win an election with obvious, verifiable evidence of fraud, they demand the help, again of social media platforms and “news” outlets to cover up the crime with propaganda and personal attacks. And then they use the corrupt DOJ and FBI to silence and intimidate Trump supporting dissenters who know damn well 2020 was stolen on a MASSIVE scale.
At the end of the day, this entire nightmare is about the left and their attempt to spread globalism. They are trying to destroy the USA and Trump has exposed what the left is doing. Now, at least 75 million people are fully aware of their plans including Tomas Klingenstein. He is the Chairman of the Board at the Clairmont Institute, and he gave a speech on the Virtues of Trump. The speech is about 17 minutes long, and it spells out why Trump is the man for the task ahead. I urge you to watch the whole thing. For the record, my original viewing of this video was on one of my favorite sites,